Study Break

What does it mean to have closure? Is it when someone fucks you over and then comes back and apologizes? Does it really bring closure or is that what we tell ourselves to get over things? My mind has been spiraling non stop these past couple of days and honestly I don’t know how to process or channel my emotions properly. I stopped writing for a good while because even with writing, I am struggling to put words together. My view currently is the balcony I once had sex in as I’m across the street in this cute rooftop garden on top of the public library that recently just now opened. There’s a man and a woman in wheelchairs talking and laughing. The woman is white and the man is black and they are old. The white lady just now asked the man, “Did you go to the black lives matter protest? I told my sister, if I get arrested for protesting, you need to get me from jail!” The black man started laughing and said he will join her. Listening to a simple conversation like that is very calming in a way. I need to come here more often and just sit and think. I honestly should be studying for my exam tomorrow but I just needed to take a break and write.

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